Saturday, June 8, 2013

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 6


This one is easy. I have been in love with science fiction since I saw Return at the Jedi somewhere around age five. I must have watched Jedi dozens of times, then mom or dad found me the other two Star Wars films and I devoured those (let's just keep pretending there are only three, mmmkay?). It was my gateway drug, and from there I moved onto Star Trek (mostly The Next Generation) and such glorious 80s programming as Quantum Leap. I was hooked. 

I had toy lightsabers, blasters, tiny Star Wars playsets and figurines, even a Star Trek phaser (oh, to have that again!). I had posters and books. I was a nerd. 

Nerdiness in college and early adulthood was mostly confined to big movie releases and classic literature (LOTR binge reading sessions, anyone?), until the advent of Netflix. Oh, Netflix. You have brought me such great joys! It was then I discovered Firefly, Farscape, Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, Fringe, Once Upon a Time, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Horrible. . . the list goes on. 

But the greatest of these is Stargate. 

I'd seen the movie years ago and loved it, but somehow never knew there was a TV show until maybe four fateful years ago. And I fell in love. It's everything a sci-fi show should be - action, gadgets, aliens, humor, and some fantastic interpersonal dynamics. It's humans being humans, both evil and heroic, in the face of impossible odds, and living

SG-1, the first incarnation, has 10 seasons; it resulted in a spin off, Stargate Atlantis, which is almost equally as good. And thus begins the pile you see in the picture - I own seven seasons of SG-1 so far and am slowly working my way through as I find them. I've purchased and read just about every Stargate book for Kindle (some are better than others), and the dog tags are the beginning of my SG-1-themed costume for Dragon*Con (that's another post entirely). 

So yeah. Maybe a little obsessed. 

(Now that the cat's out of the bag, you really should go find it and watch it. Start with the movie with Kurt Russell and James Spader, but don't expect to fall in love until Richard Dean Anderson comes on the scene in SG-1. I mean, really, who can resist MacGyver?)

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