Saturday, June 1, 2013

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 1

I saw a few cute 30 day photo challenges on Pinterest the other day, and I thought it might be just the thing to add a little summer fun to my blog. And low and behold, June has 30 days in it, and it starts today!

I haven't decided if I'm going to stick with the theme every day, but the pin below gives me a place to start at least. I plan on using the photograph as a writing prompt, per say, and giving a little backstory for each one.

( - You guys I try to embed these things, I really do. Pinterest's widget generator and Blogger don't mix, apparently)

So today's photo: 

A self-portrait. 

This is actually from last night. It was the last day of the month, which in Arbonne-land means close night, lots of coffee, and entering orders until the wee hours. We may groan about the process a little bit, but don't let us fool you - it's all rather fun. I'd situated myself and the computer at the dining room table and was setting in for the evening, though I couldn't bring myself to take off my newest, shiniest accessory. Apparently all you need to win my heart is a really good 50% off sale from J. Crew, and my sweet husband insisted I get the stunning, albiet impractical, baubles. He knows and loves me well. 

Also, it is amazing how much better you can see when you update your 3-year-old glasses prescription. Hello, world! 

1 comment:

Molly Page said...

great new glasses.
great new necklace.
great idea to do a 30 day photo challenge!
can't wait to see what you come up with (I started one on Instagram today too... we'll see how long it lasts).

Watermelon, feta, and butter lettuce salad with walnuts and white balsamic.  I love my CSA box.  And not the flippant, I-love-th...