Friday, June 7, 2013

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 5

"After Dark."

I realize most of these posts are going to be a love letter to Chattanooga and to my dog. 

I'm overly attached to both, and I'm ok with it. 

On Day 5 it got super dark around 3pm. I was about to head out to run errands, noticed the black clouds, and decided errands could wait. The power went out for a while, the thunder was loud, and Scout was terrified. She did her best vulture impression*, and proceeded to velcro herself to my leg for the remainder of the day. Good thing I work from home and can sit on the couch with her during storms! Poor baby. 

*Does anyone remember Snoopy's vulture impression? This is what Scout does when she's nervous. The ears go back, she hunches over, and looks much more fearful than fear-inspiring.


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