Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fashion 101: Why should I care?

If you know me at all, you know I like fashion. 

I like fashion blogs, fashion magazines, window-shopping, people watching - what people wear and how we present ourselves is beautiful and fascinating. 

(Is this what you think about when you think of fashion? Dictated by the powers at be?) 

Now, in the past I've had friends and acquaintances ask why I love clothes, why I would even bother keeping up with colors and trends and styles. In fact, living in the Bible belt, caring too much about appearances can be written off as a waste of money at best, and at worst downright heathenous. 

So why do I care? Because it's art - art that's touchable and changeable and has the power to change peoples perceptions and attitudes towards you in an instant. For instance, if you didn't know who this was, you'd think: 

Average chap, needs a shave, probably still lives in his mom's basement where he plays video games all day.  (from Pinterest)

Then you see this one:

Oh, a tailored suit, hair perfectly askew, this man must be a professional (maybe a Doctor?? Sorry, couldn't resist.) ;) (also from Pinterest)

I use David Tennant simply because the man's internet fodder, but you can compare the lady on the street, your Uncle Joe, whoever you want - and you get the idea. Your style says something about you whether you want it to or not. But you know what the good news is? You don't need Mr. Tennant's bank account to look smart and put-together. In fact, fashion is cheaper and more accessible than ever, and there's a huge variety to what looks are "in," so you don't have to fit into a little box full of pricey labels anymore. 

So thus begins my series of fashion posts - we'll call it Fashion 101. 

Lesson one: style is important whether you acknowledge it or not. 

1 comment:

Molly Page said...

COOL! Love a blog series. And when it's about style, ummm, even better.

Watermelon, feta, and butter lettuce salad with walnuts and white balsamic.  I love my CSA box.  And not the flippant, I-love-th...