Monday, January 26, 2009

Project Rewear: January Edition

Project Rewear has been a breeze so far. Coming off of some serious December pre and post-Christmas sale shopping, I haven't been lacking much fashion-wise. I did, however, make my first non-retail clothing purchase - off of Craigslist.

Craigslist is a thing of beauty. We've furnished 1/2 of our house from Craigslist (the other 1/2 is from Ikea), and generally remain Craigslist stalkers for those "too good to miss" deals. The actual Craigslist purchasing transaction often feels like a shady drug deal (ok, all drug deals are shady). Sometimes you go to the seller's house to pick up something you're going to purchase, like a couch, but sometimes, if the item is small, you'll meet in a central (well-lit) spot.

So, I met this gal, with her convertible Victoria's Secret dress, at my favorite grocery/deli/hang-out spot. After standing in the brutal cold for a few minutes, I saw someone looking equally as lost/guilty as I was, and we made the swap - my $25 for her super cute red dress. The deal was done, I hopped back in my car and shivered home.

So basically I bought this.

Fun, huh? Supposedly you can wear it in a bajillion different ways, but I've only discovered three so far (and I've only worn it as a skirt. It's waaaay too cold right now for a sleeveless dress). I'll try to figure out some more soon a post a couple of pictures.

I discovered this dress on VS's web site about a year ago, but wasn't about to fork over $100 for it. I am quite happy with my $25 version.

I think the first non-retail adventure of the year was a success. For those wishing to ditch "the Man" themselves and join me on Project Rewear, the moral of this story is: Shop Craigslist.

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