Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Make it so: DIY Dry Erase Board

A few weeks ago, I made my mom a DIY dry erase board for her birthday. It turned out so cute I thought I would share! It would be a great way to add your style or personality to your office or desk at work. I use dry erase boards a lot for Arbonne meetings, so I might be making one for myself soon, too!

I started with a nice picture frame from the clearance isle at TJ Maxx. My mom has a lot of Americana-themed decor in her house so I thought the weathered blue wood would be just right. 

I bought a piece of 12x12 scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby and cut it down to match the frame. The off-white "lined paper" print was perfect. 

Also bought some unpainted wooden stars at Walmart for less than $2, I think. 

Pulled out the trusty acrylic paints. 

And painted those suckers. 

They looked too new and not americana enough, though. What to do? I sanded them down with a fine grade sandpaper, then covered them with that morning's coffee grounds and let them sit for a few hours. 

When the grounds were completely dry, I brushed them off with a paintbrush. 

Then, hot-glued them to the frame!

And the finished product...

So cute! I really like how it turned out. 

Now I just have to decide what I want mine to look like! I'm thinking of doing it in a larger, poster sized frame for lots of writing space!

What colors/themes would you want your personalized dry erase board to be?

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