Friday, January 25, 2013

Make it so: quick & easy Valentine's Day craft

Need a quick little gift for Valentine's Day? Head over to Michaels and dig through their dollar bins. They have some great little frames painted in bright colors!

The frames have stands on them, but you could easily rip those off and attach a few heavy-duty magnets if you wanted to hang them on the fridge!

I printed out several vintage pictures of Paris since I'm using the frames for a Paris-themed Arbonne meeting in February (We're working on earning a trip to Paris this year and I'm SO excited!). 

You could also print out a family picture or a place that's special to you and your sweetie! :)

I love all the details on the frames - the flur de lis are especially appropriate for my Paris pictures! 

Viola! A super quick and easy craft for your Valentine. :)

What would you use these cute frames for?

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