A few days ago I had the itch to do some crafting, but only about 15 minutes to spare. So what do to? Whip out the hot glue gun!
I've had a ton of blank round magnets hanging out on my fridge for months, so I thought I'd pull together a few things to liven them up a bit.
First came these cute Valentine's buttons I've had since a Valentine's trip to Disney World years ago. They were so cute I couldn't throw them away, so they've just been hanging out in my paper clip container in the office. I took the tiny safety pins out with a pair of pliers and mashed the point things down flat (I have no idea what those are called...tines? Fasteners? I'll go with pointy things)
Next came some cute clothes pins I got out of the dollar bin at Target. I glued the magnet to the very middle in hopes it would stay flat against the fridge.
I also had a few extra Euro coins lying around so I glued those on, too! I'm sure I have some more foreign coins hiding out in junk boxes around the house - this is a great way to use them!
I forgot to take a picture of these in the making, but the last set you see here is some rock-like beads I had. I still have more blank magnets and plenty of odds and ends to glue to them, but my 15 minutes was about up so I called it a day.
It's quite an eclectic mix.
What random things do you have around the house that would work well made into magnets? I'm seeing lots of possibilities...sea shells, old/broken jewelry, small toys - so many possibilities!