Monday, September 28, 2009

Project Rewear: September edition

Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged. Sorry, folks. I started grad school in August, and quickly learned that a full time job + part time school is waaay harder than full time school alone. For about a month it seemed like all I did was work all day, come home, cook dinner, study all evening, go to sleep, and repeat. I think I'm getting the swing of things, now, though, because it's getting easier. School is still a lot of work, but I don't feel like I'm drowning anymore.

Anyway, enough about me! Onto the clothes . . . or lack thereof. I haven't posted anything about project rewear yet this month because there hasn't been anything to post. I was too busy to go thrift shopping or ebay hunting or sew anything, and well, I didn't need a thing. But this weekend I did my part to help the economy, and, using a gift card my fabulous mother-in-law gave me for my birthday, I hit up Hancock Fabrics and loaded up on sewing supplies. I bought several beginners patterns, some fabric, and various sewing accoutrement. I plan to try my hand at a skirt first, and bought some really soft flannel make it out of. It doesn't have a zipper, so it should be pretty easy. I'll post pictures once I get around to sewing it.

I also bought some boots on ebay this weekend! Technically, shoes aren't included in the project rewear, and I could buy retail if I wanted to, but who would want to when you can buy these puppies?

And for 20 bucks!

Now that fall is creeping in, I'm excited to wear these to work with a skirt or dress. Because I've really decided that I don't like pants. Dresses are far superior, but can get chilly.

Which reminds me of that flannel skirt I need to make. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Watermelon, feta, and butter lettuce salad with walnuts and white balsamic.  I love my CSA box.  And not the flippant, I-love-th...