Friday, June 26, 2009

Project Rewear: June edition

One of the stipulations of Project Rewear is that I can wear any new clothes that I sew myself. A talented seamstress I most certainly am not - curtains and pillowcovers are about as far as I can go. One Saturday, though, I decided to practice my skills (or lack thereof) on an old bedsheet, so I took a simple tunic/dress out of my closet and tried to copy it. I turned it inside out, marked the outlines on some thick paper we have leftover from one of our remodeling projects, and called it a pattern.

Here are a few long-overdue pictures from my pattern-less dress-making adventure:

First, I cut out my tracing.

Then, I cut the fabric to match.

Whoops. I think I got a little spray bottle-happy while ironing.

I basically just sewed the sides together, gave it a hem, and sewed the fabric under at the neck and sleeves. The neckline was the hardest part. It didn't turn out so great.

And, ta-da! Please excuse the lack of makeup and the rediculous pose. While I wouldn't leave the house in it, my bedsheet housedress is pretty comfortable. Hey, it's practice people. Everyone has to start somewhere -- do you think Martha was born with a perfect slipstich? Well, probably, but not all of us are that lucky.

Next time, I think I'll use a real pattern.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pretty Things

In the category of "Odd things I would collect, if I had the room."

Cake stands.

Like these:


Or these:


Or these gorgeous stackables:


Don't they make the cake look even yummier? Lovely.

Watermelon, feta, and butter lettuce salad with walnuts and white balsamic.  I love my CSA box.  And not the flippant, I-love-th...